Beware of Fake News!

It spreads like wildfire on social media, often mimicking real news sources to gain credibility. 

Social media algorithms prioritize engagement over accuracy, letting clickbait and misinformation thrive. 

Bots and trolls also play a role, mass-producing articles and sparking arguments. 

Don’t fall for it! Fake news can create confusion, misinform decisions, and intensify social conflicts. 

“Youth Zone” is the project implemented by Hate Fighters Network through 3-year framework partnership agreements to support Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth, Erasmus + in the period 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025. 

Planned activities for 2023 are clustered in 3 main categories: 

• Activities on raising awareness on EU Youth Strategy 2019 – 2027, European Youth Goals and Youth mainstreaming on policy level including: Development EU Youth Strategy 2019 – 2027 in a form of a youth-friendly document; Events with young people on EU Youth Strategy 2019 – 2027; Events with stakeholders on EU Youth Strategy 2019 – 2027; Social media campaign on EU Youth Strategy 2019 – 2027; Marking of 2023 European Year of Skills 

• Activities related to engagement, connection, and empowerment of young people including Events for young people on EU values, EU, and combating Euroscepticism through a mobile game “EU Youth Zone”; Development of new methodologies in youth work; Social media campaign on the combat against fake news and the promotion of media literacy. 

• Activities related to youth participation in EU Actions including Events for the promotion of EU Actions for young people; Regular service of HFN Secretariat for providing information on mobility opportunities for young people; Establishment of Youth Zone Mentorship program; Conference on EU Action for young people.