Happy Europe Day
🎉 Happy Europe Day! 🇪🇺 Today, we celebrate peace and unity across Europe! 🌍 Let’s remember the historic ‘Schuman declaration’ and the vision it brought to life – a vision of cooperation and solidarity that has made war between European nations unthinkable.
In this regard, we present to you a document 📄 with an explanation of a variety of opportunities for young people provided through EU programs! Scan the code 🔍 to get more information! 📲✨
#EuropeDay2024 #YouthZone2024 🌟
KOM 018 – Club for Youth Empowerment 018 / Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018 Beyond Borders Italy Младежко европейско общество / Youth European Society – YES Teatro Metaphora Barcel’hona Sports Events FuteBola Sport – Centro de Futebol Asociatia Tineret pentru Dezvoltare Durabila