Youth Zone in 2024
February 26, 2024
“Youth Zone” is the project implemented by Hate Fighters Network through 3-year framework partnership agreements to support Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth, Erasmus + in the period 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025. Planned activities for the 2024 are clustered in 3 main categories: Activities on raising the awareness on EU Youth Strategy 2019 – 2027,Voice of Change
December 25, 2023
Hate Fighters Network (Serbia) in cooperation with Impact Circles (Germany), Beyond Borders (Italy), ATDD (Romania) and Barcel’hona Sport Events (Spain) implements “Voice of Change – Gender perspective in policy frameworks” project in order to promote gender equality in partner countries and to develop long-term methodology for advocacy campaign for elimination of gender-based discrimination and violenceYouth Zone
May 22, 2023
“Youth Zone” is the project implemented by Hate Fighters Network through 3-year framework partnership agreements to support Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth, Erasmus + in the period 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025. Planned activities for the 2023 are clustered in 3 main categories: Activities on raising the awareness on EU Youth Strategy 2019 –Girls with Attitude
December 23, 2022
Hate Fighters Network (HFN) from Serbia, in cooperation with 4C from Greece, Beyond Borders from Italy, “Fundacja Rozwoju Sportu Espanola ” from Poland and Women Football Club “Radnicki 2012” from Serbia implements the project “Girls with Attitude” that focuses on the exchange of the good practices of women football clubs and creation of the transnationalCreate against Hate
August 7, 2022
Hate Fighters Network in cooperation with its partners organizes a training for young people from Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Greece, Croatia, North Macedonia and Lithuania in the period from 07.08.2022 – 14.08.2022 in Nis, Serbia. Hate Fighters Network would like to increase the skills and knowledge of young people coming from 8 countriesHFN Work Plan 2021
July 8, 2021
Hate Fighters Network (HNF) implements HFN Work Plan 2021 in cooperation with Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) – Serbia, Red Cross Novo Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Beyond Borders – Italy, SPPMD – North Macedonia, Perspektiva – Albania, Hellenic Youth Participation – Greece, Impress – Croatia and Youth Work Association – Turkey. MainEU Youth Zone
March 17, 2021
Hate Fighters Network (HFN)- Serbia implements “EU Youth Zone” project in cooperation with Beyond Borders – Italy, 4C – Greece, Youth Center Perspektiva – Albania, Mano Europa – Lithuania, Red Cross Novo Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina and Council for prevention of juvenile delinquency (SPPMD)– North Macedonia. “EU Youth Zone” takes a multilevel approach toPower To Change
November 8, 2019
Project “Power to Change” is implemented by Hate Fighters Network from Serbia in cooperation with Udruga Impress Daruvar from Croatia, IDA Network from Bulgaria, Organisation for Strategic Development in Africa (OSDA) from Ghana, Beyond Borders from Italy, SPPMD from North Macedonia, Círculo Raíces Sardas from Argentina and Hellenic Youth Participation (HYP) from Greece . HateCreativity in service of inter-ethnic understanding and cooperation
October 4, 2019
Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) in cooperation with Hate Fighters Network (HFN) and local partner Association of Roma “Prokuplje” from Prokuplje and NGO “The Future” from Bujanovac implements the project “Creativity in service of inter-ethnic understanding and cooperation” in local communities in Nis, Prokuplje and Bujanovac in the period of 10 months (01.09.2019Hate Fighters Work Plan 2019
April 23, 2019
Project implemented by Hate Fighters Network. Project provides set of activities for young people from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, North Macedonia and Serbia with the aim to strengthen the role of young people in peace-building activities and combat against hate speech – specifically how to use “We Can!” manual in theHate Fighters In Action
December 1, 2018
Hate Fighters Network, Serbia will implement “Hate Fighters in Action” project which is supported by Erasmus + program, Capacity Building in The Field of Youth action. HFN will organize set of activities for young people in Program and Partner countries with the aim to strengthen the role of young people in peace-building activities and combatHate Fighters Network Work plan 2016
February 24, 2016
In 2016 Hate Fighters Network will implement Hate Fighters Work Plan 2016, which includes training for young people from 8 countries in Niš, local workshops and actions in 8 countries, as well as final conference in Sarajevo, BiH. Hate Fighters Network is the initiative of KOM 018, Serbia and SPPMD, Macedonia, and besides these twoHate Fighters
July 9, 2015
KOM 018 implements „Hate Fighters“ project for the third year, aimed at the combat against hate speech online in Serbia and Macedonia. Young people from these two countries will build their capacities to combat hate speech online through different creative methods – photography, graphics, rap music and hip hop dance and organize different actions onlineCombating hate speech through European perspective
February 17, 2015
KOM 018 started with the implementation “Combating Hate Speech through European perspective” project through “Hate Fighters” program and activities in Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Bulgaria, Denmark and Poland. Project’s aim is to raise the awareness about the problem of hate speech in Europe today and to promote the combat against it, to activateNo Place For Hate – 2nd chapter
August 25, 2014
Eight months project implemented by KOM 018 with its partners Prokuplje, Bosilegrad, Bujanovac, Leskovac, Pirot, Bela Palanka, Jagodina. Young people from 8 towns in south Serbia will have the opportunity to learn how to use street art and photography to promote combat against hate speech online, will create new educational methods, organize different actions toThe Message
March 23, 2014
An international youth meeting on combat against hate speech online through street art. Project that contributes to combat against discrimination, racism and hate speech online through street art gathering young people from Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey, Germany, Poland, Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina with Club for Youth Empowerment 018 as a host organization. Youth meetingNo Place For Hate
February 20, 2014
Eight months project implemented by KOM 018 with its partners – “Association of Roma Prokuplje” from Prokuplje, “Youth Creative Center” from Jagodina, “UG Djurdjevdan” from Bela Palanka and “Pirot E Publika” from Pirot. Young people from Nis, Prokplje, Jagodina, Bela Palanka and Pirot will have the opportunity to learn how to use street art andHate Fighters
February 15, 2014
Follow-up to a project done in 2013 and implemented by KOM 018, on the combat against hate speech online, with the activities organized in Serbia and Macedonia. Young people from these 2 countries will build their capacities to combat hate speech online through different creative methods – photography, comics and hip hop dance and willHear your peer
January 6, 2014
Hate Fighters training through peer education – SPPMD, Macedonia, in cooperation with KOM 018, Serbia and IDYES, Turkey, organized training within “Hear Your Peer” project in 2013 in Kavadarci, Macedonia. Young people from Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey learned about the combat against hate speech online through peer education. Participants gained knowledge and skills to organizeHate Fighters
March 23, 2013
6 months project implementing by KOM 018, on the combat against hate speech online, with the activities organizing in Serbia, Macedonia and Turkey. Young people from these 3 countries will build their capacities to combat hate speech online through different creative methods – photography, comics and hip hop dance and will organize different online and